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Are You Questioning Your Drinking?

What Will Everyone Think?

Are You Questioning Your Drinking?

Let me ask you some questions:

Are you becoming worried about your drinking?

Is your drinking causing problems in your life?

Do you want to show up in your life differently?

If you’ve answered “yes” to these questions, there is a solution and I can help you.

When I was in your shoes…

When I started questioning my drinking, I desperately wanted to find something that would help me feel like less of a failure; that there was hope for me to live my life differently.

I felt so alone. None of my friends questioned their drinking. I wanted to find other women who had drank like me and had found a better way of living. I needed support.

And, I wasn’t ready to admit that I was, (gulp), an alcoholic…

If I had a coach supporting and guiding me, I may not have had to hit my rock bottom.

My belief is that you don’t have to hit rock bottom to be desperate enough to quit drinking. I believe that you just need to have the desire to change your life.

Now, let me ask you one more question:

What will happen if you don’t quit drinking?

Nothing good, that’s for certain. If you’re worried about where your drinking has taken you today, it will only get worse. You can look forward to a laundry list of broken dreams; DUI’s, injuring yourself and/or others or even killing yourself and/or others while drinking and driving; losing job(s), relationships, family and your home. These are examples of “rock-bottom.” And you don’t have to go through any of these things if you don’t want to.

Consider this your wake-up call.

My name is Nancy McKay and I love to help women discover the gifts of recovery. I guide them to transform their lives, once and for all.  Over-drinking is a symptom of a bigger issue. I have been sober since 2009 and I’ve been where you are. I found my courage and strength and I guide my clients to discover theirs, too.

Interested to find out if coaching is right for you?

If you’re looking for a coach that will inspire, motivate and empower you AND that knows how you feel -we should talk. Helping women make a shift in their thinking and in their lives thrills me to pieces and drives everything I do.

Here’s what one of my client’s had to say:

“Nancy provided coaching during a challenging time in my life. She listened and shared insight to help me gain perspective. Working with Nancy was amazing! I will be forever grateful.” 

Your Life. Your Choice


I’m here for you when you’re ready…

If you think you’ve had enough, I invite you to choose you, once and for all. See what getting support feels like by scheduling a complimentary assessment call. Click the button below.

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