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Sunday Snippet #3

Sunday Snippets - Amazing Outlook Coaching

What´s YOUR Story?

Today I’m thinking about our stories and how telling about our pain can help alleviate the pain in other people.  Our stories of persistence, vulnerability and hope can inspire those around us to not be quite so fearful of taking that first step – to recovery, to the doctor, to the new job, to an empty nest.

A friend of mine just posted on Facebook:

“Now, every time I witness a strong person, I want to know: What dark did you conquer in your story?  Mountains do not rise without earthquakes” ~ Paula Robbins 

I feel very lucky to have been through some rough times.  Those rough times have enabled me to change course and to inspire others that there are options for all of us – we can suffer or we can grow. 

I’ve chosen to grow.  I’ve chosen to help other people to grow.

I subscribe to Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper and I encourage you to do the same.  Click here:;

This morning, Maria writes “Recognizing our wounds as assets will empower us, not weaken us.  We have the power to start anew at any moment.  We just have to make the decision to carry on.”

Everyone of us has a story.  Please don’t be afraid to tell your story about how you’ve battled and won.  It will inspire someone, trust me.

I would love to hear your stories…add them to the comments below and let’s start a conversation!



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