Are You Drinking to Escape?



It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you LIKE the reasons why you’re doing it!


Two schools of thought:

  • Now is NOT the time to add to your stress by trying to change a behavior, OR

  • Now is the BEST time to learn how to manage your mindset in order to change a behavior

We can all come out of this current situation either worse off than when it started because of our behaviors, or we can come out of it better because we learned something about ourselves and how we handle stress.

For instance, let’s say you’re a moderate drinker. A glass of wine with dinner a few nights each week. Maybe two on Saturday night. No big deal, no problem, right?

But what happens….

Now that you’re working from home, and trying to home-school your kids. You’re trying to be calm, cool and collected for your family, all the while inside you’re just about at the end of your rope, because you’re afraid, stressed out or just plain overwhelmed. Then, on top of all that, you find out that the schools will be closed for the rest of the year….and that bottle is calling your name at 3pm….

What thoughts come up?

I can’t handle this anymore? I’m scared? My kids are driving me nuts? I’m so worried about my family I can see straight? And what’s the result? You’re on your way to Margaritaville.

But, if you pause, take a breath or two and think, I’m safe in this moment. I’m stronger than I’m giving myself credit for. I can do hard things. Why do I think alcohol will make this better? This feels so much better for you in the moment, and the result will be peace.

Fight for what you want…

  • Do you want chaos? Really ask yourself if you’re willing to risk your peace of mind for a case of the fuck-its.
    • Fuck it, it’s just one drink, oh, maybe just one more…
    • Fuck it, I’ll do better tomorrow
    • Fuck it, just fuck it.


  • Do you want peace?
    • I can feel fearful in this unkown situation without having to rely on alcohol as a coping tool
    • I can have compassion for myself and my feelings
    • I can be human and not be a victim


Some helpful tips:


I find box breathing is especially helpful.

  • Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Inhale to the count of 4; Hold for a count of 4; Exhale for a count of 4; Hold for a count of four.
  • Repeat at least three times

Ask yourself “what am I feeling?”

  • Be honest and acknowledge whatever it is you’re feeling.

Emotional Scale

Use this diagram to chart your feelings and how to move up the vibrational emotional scale.

  • As you can see, it would be difficult to jump from discouragement to happy, but you might be able to move up the scale to disappointment or doubt.

And, ask yourself, “what am I thinking?”

  • Know that your feelings are a result of the thoughts you’re thinking. So if you’re feeling self-pity for instance, what thought are you thinking?
    • I’m alone
    • Nobody cares about me and how I’m doing
    • I have to take care of everybody else, etc.
  • If you want to change your feelings, you need to change your thoughts. If you want to feel positive, what thoughts will help get you there?
    • I’m safe in this moment
    • I am sober (or, I don’t want to drink right now)
    • I am grateful for my job, family, friends.


“We only suffer when we are focused on ourselves”

~ Tony Robbins


My name is Nancy McKay and I help women who are worried about their drinking. Over-drinking is a symptom of a bigger issue. I have been sober since March 14, 2009 and I’ve been where you are. I found my courage and strength and I guide my clients to discover theirs, too.

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Here’s what one of my client’s had to say:

“Nancy provided coaching during a challenging time in my life. She listened and shared insight to help me gain perspective. Working with Nancy was amazing! I will be forever grateful.” 

Your Life. Your Choice.


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