“Real courage is moving forward when the outcome is uncertain” ~ Unknown

You may know, “Grow Through What You Go Through” is my jam, my philosophy, my mantra. Hopefully, we use the challenges that life throws at us to learn and grow. Some people may not take advantage of these challenges because it’s, well, hard and scary most of the time. Many people want to hide, wait for the dust to settle and then go back to their life pretending everything’s fine, thank you very much.

The advice I give myself, and my clients is “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. Easier said than done, surely, but definitely doable. I know this because I’ve done it. And, I’m doing it again.

The countdown has begun in earnest. Two weeks from tomorrow I will leave my corporate office for the last time. I have exactly seven working days left before I walk away from the safety net of employment. Am I scared? You bet! Am I excited? Oh Hell Yes!!

Move Past Your Fear of Change and Find the Happiness You Deserve

I use my life experience and a whole lot of training to help other women, mostly over 50, who have gone through a major change in their lives and they don’t know what to do next.

If you, or someone you know, is faced with a challenge, and are feeling lost and afraid because you don’t know what your future looks like, I can help.  We will work together so that you can actually feel grateful for the difficult experience that you’re dealing with.

Leave me a comment, shoot me an email or simply click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call to learn more.

Your Life. Your Choice.

Have a spectacular week, my friends!



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